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Started by OPU, Jan 28, 2025, 07:03 PM

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श्रीहरिं परमानन्दमुपदेष्टारमीश्वरम्।
व्यापकं सर्वलोकानां कारणं तं नमाम्यहम्।।1।।

Word by Word Breakdown:

श्रीहरिं (śrī-harim): 
- श्री (śrī): A title of respect, often used for divine beings; indicates auspiciousness or glory. 
- हरिं (harim): Refers to Lord Vishnu or Hari, the remover of sins. 

परमानन्दम् (paramānandam): 
- परम (parama): Supreme or highest. 
- आनन्दम् (ānandam): Bliss or joy. 
- Together: "Supreme bliss." 

उपदेष्टारम् (upadeṣṭāram): 
- उप (upa): Near, close, or intimate. 
- देश्टारम् (deṣṭāram): One who teaches or instructs. 
- Together: "Instructor" or "teacher." 

ईश्वरम् (īśvaram): 
- The supreme lord or ruler; God. 

व्यापकं (vyāpakam): 
- All-pervading; omnipresent. 

सर्वलोकानाम् (sarvalokānām): 
- सर्व (sarva): All. 
- लोकानाम् (lokānām): Of the worlds. 
- Together: "Of all the worlds." 

कारणं (kāraṇam): 
- Cause or source. 

तं (tam): 
- Him (used to refer to the object of reverence). 

नमामि (namāmi): 
- I bow down or offer my salutations. 

अहम् (aham): 
- I.

Expanded Meaning:

1. श्रीहरिं (Śrī Hari): 
   The verse begins by addressing **Śrī Hari**, a name for Lord Vishnu, who is often regarded as the preserver and protector of the universe in Hinduism. The word **Śrī** conveys auspiciousness, glory, and divine grace, while **Hari** means "one who removes sorrows, sins, and ignorance."

2. परमानन्दम् (Paramānandam): 
   Lord Hari is described as the **Supreme Bliss**. This signifies that He is the ultimate source of happiness, joy, and contentment, beyond worldly pleasures. He is the epitome of spiritual bliss that transcends all material experiences.

3. उपदेष्टारम् (Upadeṣṭāram): 
   He is also referred to as the **Teacher** or **Instructor**, someone who imparts wisdom and guides humanity toward liberation (moksha). This highlights His role as a spiritual mentor who helps people overcome ignorance and realize the truth.

4. ईश्वरम् (Īśvaram): 
   Lord Hari is the **Supreme Ruler** or the ultimate God, who governs and sustains the entire cosmos. This reflects His omnipotence and supreme authority over all creation.

5. व्यापकं (Vyāpakam): 
   The verse emphasizes that He is **All-Pervading** or present everywhere. There is no place or being where His divine presence does not exist. This points to His omnipresence and infinite nature.

6. सर्वलोकानां कारणं (Sarvalokānām Kāraṇam): 
   Lord Hari is described as the **Cause of All the Worlds**. This means He is the origin or source of creation, the sustainer of the universe, and the ultimate purpose or goal of all existence. Everything arises from Him and eventually merges back into Him.

7. तं नमाम्यहम् (Tam Namāmi Aham): 
   The verse concludes with the declaration: **"I bow down to Him."** This is an expression of deep reverence, devotion, and surrender to Lord Hari, acknowledging His greatness and seeking His blessings.

Simplified Summary: 

"I bow to Lord Hari, who is the Supreme Bliss, the ultimate teacher, and the supreme ruler of all. He is present everywhere, the cause of all creation, and the one who removes sorrows and grants joy. I offer my humble salutations to Him, the source and sustainer of the universe."